Mayor Jonathan Hornik


 The Mayor is the Chief Executive and Administrative Officer of Marlboro Township and is responsible for enforcing the Township's Charter and ordinances and supervising all departments, employees, property, and equipment.hornikportrait

Unless directed otherwise by Marlboro Township's Charter or ordinances, the Mayor appoints all officers and employees. The Mayor is also responsible for executing all contracts on behalf of the Township and for making recommendations for action by the Township Council as s/he may deem in the public interest.

On or before January 15th of each year, unless extended by statute or the Department of Community Affairs, the Mayor submits to the Township Council a recommended budget, together with such explanatory comments or statements as s/he may deem appropriate. With the assistance of the Business Administrator, the Mayor must prepare a budget that is in conformity with law. In order to meet this requirement, during the month of November, all department heads, independent boards, commissions and bodies affiliated with the Township submit requests for appropriations for the ensuing budget year and appear before the Mayor or the Business Administrator for a public hearing. The Township Council, in reviewing the Mayor's recommended budget, may reduce any item(s) by a majority vote and may increase any item(s) by a two-thirds vote pursuant to the requirements of N.J.S.A 40:69A-46.

The Mayor can designate a Deputy Mayor, the Municipal Clerk, the Business Administrator or any other department head to function as Acting Mayor whenever the Mayor is prevented from attending to the duties of his/her office. If the Mayor is unable to attend the duties of his/her office for sixty consecutive days, an Acting Mayor is appointed by the Township Council.

The Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Township Council, appoints a Director to head up each municipal department. Each department head serves during the Mayor's term of office and until the appointment and qualification of a successor. Presently, Marlboro Township has six municipal departments reporting to the Mayor:

Department Director
Administration Jonathan Capp
Finance Lori Russo
Law Louis Rainone, Esq.
Public Safety Chief Peter J. Pezzullo
Public Works Robert Miller
Recreation Suzi Leifer