Employment Opportunities

Facility Supervisors: Candidate must be 18+, available on weekday evenings as well as weekends, responsible and reliable  This position averages 10-18 hours per week. This person is responsible for being on site while recreation activities are taking place (such as basketball, wrestling, arts and craft or the like) and stays until the programs are over.  Depending on the season it usual requires a 2-3 early evenings and 1-2 weekend days as well.

Starting salary is $13 to $15/hr. Please email or drop off completed application to the Marlboro Recreation office at 1996 Recreation Way. Applications are available HERE

2023 Summer Employment: We are accepting applications for Marlboro Recreation Summer Camp and the Marlboro Swim Club. Multiple different positions available, please see application for job listing and age requirements. Drop off completed application to the Marlboro Recreation office 1996 Recreation Way. Please see attached application.

Marlboro Township Job Application (CLICK HERE)

Marlboro Township operates under the rules and regulations of the New Jersey Civil Service Commission. Job Vacancy Announcements for positions that are classified are posted on their website at https://www.state.nj.us/csc/seekers/jobs/announcements/ For these positions, candidates must follow the Civil Service Commission’s application process. Candidates who apply are tested and successful eligibles are then ranked by scores/veteran status/residency for final selection by the Township.

You must reside in the State of New Jersey to be employed by the Township of Marlboro.

Entry level, non-competitive, unclassified and temporary positions will be posted here on this page and advertised throughout the Township. Each Job Posting will have specific application procedures.

Kimberly Sambucci
Human Resources Coordinator
Township of Marlboro
1979 Township Drive
Marlboro, NJ 07746
Phone: 732-536-0200, ext. 1205
Fax: 732-536-9652


732-536-0200 ext 1205