Please note that annual hydrant flushing will begin on or about Monday, April 3th through approximately Friday May 5th typically between the hours of 8:00 am and 2:30 pm. Hydrant Flushing is part of routine maintenance to remove any sediment that may accumulate in low flow areas of our water distribution system. This operation maintains the overall water quality in our distribution system and ensures that each fire hydrant operates properly. Customers may notice lower water pressure and a slight discoloration of water as flushing is performed in your area. The discoloration only affects the appearance of the water and does not affect water quality. There are no health hazards associated with discolored water from hydrant flushing. If discoloration occurs simply run the cold water (do not run hot water) from a faucet, tub or shower from the highest room in your home until the water runs clear. Prior to using a washing machine or dishwasher check if there is discolored water. During this work please make sure to keep garbage and recycling containers behind the curb to avoid obstructing drainage along the curb/gutter.

For questions, please call Customer Service Monday to Thursday from 9am to 4:30pm at (732) 536-0200 Ext. 1816. ​